Our Story

Hi, I’m Priyanka! I’m the CEO and Creative Director here at PB Design Studio. I’m a Software Engineer turned Brand and Website Designer with a passion towards coding and design.

Our design studio is based out of the San Francisco Bay area and we specialize in branding and website design for service based businesses, e-commerce brands and online course creators.

Currently PB Design Studio has clients all over the United States and globally. Some of the clients we have worked with are: Life Coaches, Health and Wellness Coaches, Birth Coaches and Educators, Authors and Speakers, Health Professionals, Doulas, Midwives, Photographers, Fashion Industry Professionals, Musicians, Online Educators (we are proud to partner with Whitworth University to help them launch their non-credit bearing, personal and professional development online course platform for adult learners), E-commerce Brands Selling Outdoor Solutions and many more!

Interested in working together? Start the conversation here.